5G-LENA nr-v3.3-81-g75c7590d
The 5G/NR module for the ns-3 simulator
No Matches
Todo List
Member anonymous_namespace{file-scenario-helper.cc}::PlotDeployment (const Ptr< const ListPositionAllocator > &sitePositioner, const Ptr< const ListPositionAllocator > &utPositioner, const std::size_t numSectors, const double maxRadius, const double effIsd)
: Need to recalculate ranges if the scenario origin is different to (0,0)
Class ns3::FileScenarioHelper
Documentation, tests
Member ns3::nr::PhyReceptionStatParameters::TracedCallback )(const PhyReceptionStatParameters params)
The argument should be passed by const reference, since it's large.
Member ns3::nr::PhyTransmissionStatParameters::TracedCallback )(const PhyTransmissionStatParameters params)
The argument should be passed by const reference, since it's large.
Class ns3::NrAmc
Pass NrAmc parameters through RRC, and don't pass pointers to AMC between GNB and UE
Member ns3::NrEpcX2::DoSendUeData (NrEpcX2SapProvider::UeDataParams params)
This should be done in NrGtpuHeader
Class ns3::NrGnbMac
fill gnb-mac general information doxygen part
Member ns3::NrGnbRrc::ReceiveReportTracedCallback )(const uint64_t imsi, const uint16_t cellId, const uint16_t rnti, const NrRrcSap::MeasurementReport report)
The NrRrcSap::MeasurementReport argument should be changed to a const reference since the argument is large.
Member ns3::NrMacSapUser::NotifyHarqDeliveryFailure ()=0
eventual parameters to be defined
Member ns3::NrRlc::DoTransmitPdcpPdu (Ptr< Packet > p)=0
MRE What is the sense to duplicate all the interfaces here???
Member ns3::NrRlcAm::DoReceivePdu (NrMacSapUser::ReceivePduParameters rxPduParams) override
stop and reset the t-Reordering