5#include "node-distribution-scenario-interface.h"
44 std::size_t sites = n / sectors;
69 double orientation = 0.0;
73 std::size_t sector = cellId % sectors;
74 double sectorSize = 360.0 / sectors;
75 orientation = sectorSize * (sector + 0.25);
84 if (orientationRads > M_PI)
86 orientationRads -= 2 * M_PI;
89 return orientationRads;
96 return cellId / sectors;
103 return cellId % sectors;
const NodeContainer & GetUserTerminals() const
Get the list of user nodes.
std::size_t GetNumSites() const
Gets the number of sites with cell base stations.
std::size_t m_numBs
Number of base stations to create.
uint16_t GetSiteIndex(std::size_t cellId) const
Gets the site index the queried cell id belongs to.
void SetBsNumber(std::size_t n)
Set the number of base stations.
uint16_t GetCellIndex(std::size_t ueId) const
Get the cell (base station) index the queried UE id belongs to.
Vector GetAntennaPosition(const Vector &sitePos, uint16_t cellId) const
Returns the position of the cell antenna.
NodeContainer m_ut
User Terminals.
std::size_t m_numUt
Number of user terminals to create.
void SetUtNumber(std::size_t n)
Set the number of UT/UE.
std::size_t m_numSites
Number of sites with base stations.
void SetSitesNumber(std::size_t n)
Set number of sites/towers.
NodeContainer m_bs
Base stations.
~NodeDistributionScenarioInterface() override
double GetAntennaOrientationDegrees(std::size_t cellId) const
Returns the orientation in degrees of the antenna array for the given cellId. The orientation is the ...
uint16_t GetSectorIndex(std::size_t cellId) const
Get the sector index the queried cell id belongs to.
std::size_t GetNumCells() const
Gets the total number of cells deployed.
const NodeContainer & GetBaseStations() const
Get the list of gnb/base station nodes.
double GetAntennaOrientationRadians(std::size_t cellId) const
Returns the orientation in radians of the antenna array for the given cellId.
SiteSectorizationType m_sectorization
Number of sectors per site.
Unconfigured value.
Site with 3 120ยบ-width sectors.
double m_antennaOffset
Cell antenna offset in meters w.r.t. site location.