5G-LENA nr-v3.3-81-g75c7590d
The 5G/NR module for the ns-3 simulator
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3GPP NR ns-3 module

This is the ns-3 nr module for the simulation of 3GPP NR non-standalone cellular networks. ns-3 is used as a base simulator, on top of which can be added our nr module as plug-in.


This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2, as like as ns-3. See the LICENSE file for more details.


To see the features, please go to the official webpage.


An updated list of published papers that are based on the outcome of this module is available here.


The OpenSim research group in CTTC is a group of highly skilled researchers, with expertise in the area of cellular networks, O-RAN, radio resource management, ML/AI based network management, with a focus on the following research lines:

  • Developing models, algorithms, and architectures for next-generation virtualized open radio access networks
  • Designing, implementing, validating, and evaluating 5G and beyond extensions in ns-3, including licensed/unlicensed/shared-based access and vehicular communications
  • Deriving 3GPP/IEEE technologies coexistence and spectrum sharing strategies
  • Designing radio resource, interference, and spectrum management techniques.


Contact us if you think that we could collaborate! We are interested in research projects with companies or other research institutions. Our OpenSim research group has gained a vast experience in industrial research projects through many successful projects with some of the top companies in the telecom industry. We also organize secondments for excellent and motivated M.Sc./PhD students. We can organize tutorials for the academy or industry.


In alphabetical order:

  • Zoraze Ali
  • Amir Ashtari
  • Biljana Bojovic
  • Gabriel Ferreira
  • Lorenza Giupponi
  • Katerina Koutlia
  • Sandra Lagen
  • Ana Larranaga
  • Natale Patriciello

Contributors: Tom Henderson, Giovanni Grieco, Carlos Herranz, André Apitzsch

Inspired by mmWave module by NYU/UniPD

Contributing to 5G-LENA

We would be very happy if you would contribute to 5G-LENA!

If you identify a bug, please let us know through the Gitlab issue page.

If you do some of the following with 5G-LENA, please open a merge request or contact us to guide you through the contribution process:

  • solve a bug;
  • add new parameters for ease of use and flexibility;
  • create a completely new and different example or test;
  • develop a new feature;
  • extend the tracing system through files or databases;
  • improve visualization of scenarios through the python scripts;
  • or whatever else you think is relevant and want to contribute.

When submitting patches, please follow our guide about NR Coding style and best practices which you should follow to keep the project as consistent and maintainable as possible. You can use the ns-3's check-style-clang-format utility for automatic C++ code formatting.


For users Q&A about 5G-LENA module you can join our 5G-LENA users group: https://groups.google.com/g/5g-lena-users/

Getting started

In order to start with the nr module you should have some confidence with the ns-3 environment. You can find on the ns-3 website all the necessary information.

If it is the first time you work with the ns-3 environment, we recommend to take things slowly (but steady) and going forward through simple steps. The ns-3 documentation https://www.nsnam.org/documentation/ is divided into three categories tutorial, manual and documentation (describing models):

After you get familiarized with ns-3, proceed to download and build the 5G-LENA project, and we will point out to ns-3 and 5G-LENA documentation to help you enter the ns-3 and the nr world.

ns-3 + nr prerequisites

ns-3 prerequisites:

Make sure to install all ns-3 prerequisites

nr prerequisites:

Install libc6-dev (it provides semaphore.h header file). The Ubuntu package name is:

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev

Install sqlite (enables optional examples lena-lte-comparison, cttc-nr-3gpp-calibration and cttc-realistic-beamforming):

apt-get install sqlite sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

Install eigen3 (enables optional MIMO features):

apt-get install libeigen3-dev

Notice that ns-3 and nr prerequisites are required to use all nr features. Otherwise, you will get a warning at configuration time and/or an error message during compilation or execution.

gsoc-nr-rl-based-sched Prerequisites

To run this example with AI mode enabled, you need to install the ns3-gym module. You can find the installation guide for ns3-gym here: ns3-gym Github

For managing Python packages in a virtual environment, install ./model/ns3gym without using the --user option.

python3 -m venv ./myenv
source ./myenv/bin/activate
pip install ns3-gym/model/ns3gym

To run test-ppo.py, install the following additional Python packages:

pip install numpy torch

ns-3 + nr installation

Check in the nr RELEASE_NOTES.md Supported platforms which is the recommended ns-3 release for each nr release.

For a quicker reference we provide a table with the supported versions of ns-3-dev for each nr release.

nr version ns-3 version Build system Release date
5g-lena-v3.3.y ns-3.42 cmake October 15, 2024
5g-lena-v3.2.y ns-3.42 cmake September 25, 2024
5g-lena-v3.1.y ns-3.42 cmake July 19, 2024
5g-lena-v3.0.y ns-3.41 cmake February 16, 2024
5g-lena-v2.6.y ns-3.40 cmake November 30, 2023
5g-lena-v2.5.y ns-3.39 cmake July 26, 2023
5g-lena-v2.4.y ns-3.38 cmake April 5, 2023
5g-lena-v2.3.y ns-3.37 cmake November 23, 2022
5g-lena-v2.2.y ns-3.36.1 cmake June 03, 2022
5g-lena-v2.1.y ns-3.36 cmake May 06, 2022
5g-lena-v2.0.y ns-3.36 cmake April 21, 2022
5g-lena-v1.3.y ns-3.35 waf April 7, 2022
5g-lena-v1.2.y ns-3-dev waf June 4, 2021
5g-lena-v1.1.y ns-3-dev waf March 2, 2021
5g-lena-v1.0.y ns-3-dev waf September 16, 2020
5g-lena-v0.4.y ns-3-dev waf February 13 2020
5g-lena-v0.3.y ns-3-dev waf August 27 2019
5g-lena-v0.2.y ns-3-dev waf February 1 2019

Download ns-3:

Download then checkout the compatible version of ns-3:

git clone https://gitlab.com/nsnam/ns-3-dev.git
cd ns-3-dev
git checkout -b ns-3.42 ns-3.42

To make sure everything is working properly, run the ns-3 tests:

$ ./ns3 configure --enable-examples --enable-tests
$ ./test.py

A success for both previous commands indicates an overall success, and you are ready to install the nr module.

Download the nr module:

Download then checkout the compatible version of nr:

cd contrib
git clone https://gitlab.com/cttc-lena/nr.git
cd nr
git checkout -b 5g-lena-v3.3.y origin/5g-lena-v3.3.y

Notice that since these are two independent git repositories, when you run git status inside of the ns-3, you will notice that the contrib/nr directory will be listed as "Untracked files". This is normal.

Test ns-3 + nr installation:

Let's configure the ns-3 + nr project:

./ns3 configure --enable-examples --enable-tests

In the output you should see:

SQLite support : ON
Eigen3 support : ON

If that is not the case, return to "ns-3 and nr prerequisites" section, and install all prerequisites. After the installation of the missing packages run again ./ns3 configure --enable-tests --enable-examples.

To compile the ns-3 with nr you can run the following command:

./ns3 build

If the nr module is recognized correctly, you should see "nr" in the list of built modules. If that is the case, Welcome to the nr world !

Running examples

Now, you can list the available nr examples.

Note that some of the examples may be missing if the dependencies listed in nr Prerequisites section haven't been installed.

Also, the nr target listed below is the module library for nr, so it cannot be used with ./ns3 run, and only ./ns3 build nr.

$ ./ns3 show targets | grep nr
nix-vector-routing nr
cttc-lte-ca-demo cttc-nr-3gpp-calibration-user
cttc-nr-cc-bwp-demo cttc-nr-demo
cttc-nr-mimo-demo cttc-nr-multi-flow-qos-sched
cttc-nr-notching cttc-nr-simple-qos-sched
cttc-nr-traffic-3gpp-xr cttc-nr-traffic-ngmn-mixed

Now, you can run one of these examples (see the nr/examples folder for their source code):

$ ./ns3 run cttc-nr-demo

The cttc-nr-demo example has a complete tutorial explaining the example in details available here.

Note: when writing or modifying examples, be aware that our code is stored under the ns3 namespace. You will either need to use such namespace or add the prefix "ns3::" for classes, structs and enums.

Upgrading 5G-LENA

We assume that your work lives in a separate branch, and that the 'master' branch of the nr repository is left untouched as the first time you downloaded it. If it is not the case, then please move all your work in a separate branch.

A vanilla 'master' branch can be updated by simply running:

cd ns-3-dev/contrib/nr # or src/nr if the module lives under src/
git checkout master
git pull


We maintain three sources of documentation:

  1. The user manual describes the models and their assumptions; as we developed the module while the 3GPP standard was not fully available, some parts are not modeling precisely the procedures as indicated by the standard.
  2. The user tutorial describes the internal functionality of the NR RAN by providing a detailed, layer-by-layer insights on the packet lifecycle as they traverse the RAN.
  3. The Doxygen, you will find details about design and user usage of any class of the module, as well as description and images for the examples and the tests.

Building documentation

If you would like to build the documentation on your own, you can follow the instructions from this section.

  • To build the user manual, navigate to the nr folder and then:
cd doc
make latexpdf

And you will find the PDF user manual in the directory build/latex. Please note that you may have to install some requirements to build the documentation; you can find the list of packages for any Ubuntu-based distribution in the file .gitlab-ci.yml.

  • To build the doxygen documentation, please do from the nr folder:
cd doc
doxygen doxygen.conf

You will find the doxygen documentation inside doc/doc/html/.